################################################################################## #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/打ちつけ_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/__/_# ################################################################################## #敵を捕らえて地面にガンガン打ちつける #オプション 打ちつけ回数 速度(速 遅 指定しない場合中速) 効果音 戦闘アニメ_打ちつけ準備: Return 戦闘アニメ_打ちつけ攻撃: Call 戦闘アニメ_スーパータックル攻撃 _GetWavFromArgs() _GetIDFromArgs() Return "Keep" ################################################################################################ 戦闘アニメ_打ちつけ命中: Local i j l a Local BMP_FILE Local BMP_FILE2 Local BMP_FILE3 Local BMP_FILE4 Local G_C = _GetName("(White)",_G_BC_FA()) Local B_A = _GetNumberFromArgs() Local B_X Local UID Local ANG Local C_X C_Y A_X A_Y Local X_F Local Y_F Local T_K Local T_COL1 = _ColorTime(1) Local T_COL = _ColorTime() Local DRCT = _FlipVertical(ANG) Local DRCT2 Local T_SPD = _GetSpeedFromArgs() Local W_T Set UID _GetName(対象ユニットID,_GetIDFromArgs()) _CenteringCheck 相手ユニットID Set C_X WX(相手ユニットID) Set C_Y WY(相手ユニットID) Set A_X WX(対象ユニットID) Set A_Y WY(対象ユニットID) Set BMP_FILE _GetBMPName(相手ユニットID) Set BMP_FILE2 _GetTileName(相手ユニットID) Set BMP_FILE3 _GetBMPName(対象ユニットID) Set BMP_FILE4 _GetTileName(対象ユニットID) Set ANG _GetAngle(UID) Set X_F _GetCircumference(ANG,X) Set Y_F _GetCircumference(ANG,Y) If B_A = "" Then Set B_A 3 EndIf If (X(UID) >= _Get_X(相手ユニットID)) Then Set DRCT "" Set DRCT2 左回転 Set B_X -16 Else Set DRCT 左右反転 Set DRCT2 右回転 Set B_X +16 EndIf If (_SearchOptionFromArgs("遅") != "") Then Set W_T 0.5 ElseIf (_SearchOptionFromArgs("速") != "") Then Set W_T 0.1 Else Set W_T 0.3 EndIf ChangeUnitBitmap UID 非表示 ChangeUnitBitmap 相手ユニットID 非表示 PlaySound Punch.wav For i = 1 To 10 ClearPicture _PaintTile BMP_FILE4 A_X A_Y _PaintTile BMP_FILE2 C_X C_Y PaintPicture BMP_FILE3 (C_X - (X_F * 10)) (C_Y - (Y_F * 10)) 透過 Switch i Case 1 3 5 7 9 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X + 2) - (X_F * (0 - 10))) (C_Y - (Y_F * (0 - 10))) 透過 Case 2 4 6 8 10 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X - 2) - (X_F * (0 - 10))) (C_Y - (Y_F * (0 - 10))) 透過 EndSw PaintPicture ("Hit\EFFECT_DamageN0" & i & ".bmp") (C_X - 16) (C_Y - 16) 64 64 透過 Refresh Wait 0.3 Next For l = 1 To B_A PlaySound Swing.wav For i = 1 To 5 ClearPicture _PaintTile BMP_FILE4 A_X A_Y _PaintTile BMP_FILE2 C_X C_Y PaintPicture BMP_FILE3 C_X C_Y 透過 Switch i Case 1 3 5 7 9 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X + 2) + B_X) C_Y 透過 DRCT DRCT2 90 Case 2 4 6 8 10 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X - 2) + B_X) C_Y 透過 DRCT DRCT2 90 EndSw PaintPicture ("Attack\EFFECT_Swing0" & i & ".bmp") (C_X + B_X) C_Y 32 32 透過 DRCT 上下反転 Refresh Wait W_T Next For i = 1 To 5 ClearPicture _PaintTile BMP_FILE4 A_X A_Y _PaintTile BMP_FILE2 C_X C_Y PaintPicture BMP_FILE3 C_X C_Y 透過 Switch i Case 1 3 5 7 9 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X + 2) + (B_X / 2)) (C_Y - 16) 透過 DRCT DRCT2 45 Case 2 4 6 8 10 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X - 2) + (B_X / 2)) (C_Y - 16) 透過 DRCT DRCT2 45 EndSw PaintPicture ("Attack\EFFECT_Swing0" & i & ".bmp") (C_X + B_X) (C_Y + 4) 32 32 透過 DRCT Refresh Wait W_T Next _SelectSound "Punch.wav" _GetWavFromArgs() For i = 1 To 10 ClearPicture _PaintTile BMP_FILE4 A_X A_Y _PaintTile BMP_FILE2 C_X C_Y Switch i Case 1 3 5 7 9 PaintPicture BMP_FILE3 C_X C_Y 透過 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X - 2) + (B_X / 2)) (C_Y + 16) 透過 DRCT DRCT2 135 Case 2 4 6 8 10 PaintPicture BMP_FILE3 C_X C_Y 透過 PaintPicture BMP_FILE ((C_X + 2) + (B_X / 2)) (C_Y + 16) 透過 DRCT DRCT2 135 EndSw PaintPicture ("Impact\EFFECT_GrandEffect" & G_C & "0" & i & ".bmp") ((C_X - 48) + (B_Y / 2)) (C_Y - 8) 128 64 透過 Refresh Wait W_T Next Next ChangeUnitBitmap 対象ユニットID 非表示解除 ChangeUnitBitmap 相手ユニットID 非表示解除 ClearPicture Refresh Return